Coral Zen at Ningaloo Reef
The deluxe camping experience that reinvented eco-aware design.
It is perched on the shores of the ridiculously amazing Ningaloo Reef, hands-down one of the world’s greatest fringing coral reefs. (And still a well-kept secret!)
Sal Salis is an eco-lodge that is next level in its commitment to making the most minimal impact on their incredible piece of earth. It comprises 15 wilderness tents, designed to blend naturally into the surrounding landscape.
Each tent has been set above the ground on raised platforms so the natural flora and fauna beneath can flourish, untouched.
The camp is powered almost entirely by solar power and the tents have been positioned to catch the optimum impact of the sea breeze off the Indian Ocean to cool the interior, naturally.
The ensuites are eco-friendly, with the used water carefully managed to ensure only filtered water is dispensed back into the ground.
Guest soaps are produced locally, made from native herbs and chemical free. All other products supplied for guests are organic.
Images courtesy: Sal Salis (@_markfitz_, phlipvids_)