King Spin
Handbrake design goes international with Stone Temple Pilot’s cool new record cover.
Some of the best designs happen by accident, a concept Handbrake artist Hans Bruechle knows too well.
It started with a call he received in the middle of the night from an American music agent asking if they could use his design as an album cover. His first reaction was an enthusiastic “yes, it’s all yours” before he realised he should probably ask for more details as to who was enquiring.
After learning the agent was behind band Stone Temple Pilots and that his artwork had been admired by their band members the moment became surreal. His artwork now graces the album cover for their new 2018 album.
Bruechle is no stranger to accidental design, he became the iconic Handbrake Designs while he was in between jobs, having always loved painting and illustration he found himself with a lot more time to do it. From there, an interest his style grew so much that he decided to roll with it, and you can now find his designs all over Perth.